Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows Billericay

Our Aluminium Windows boast slim window frames, sleek designs, and delivering the best performance standards


Aluminium Windows by Aspen Home Improvements UK Ltd

Our Aluminium Windows are the perfect choice for both residential and commercial properties, boasting slim window frames, sleek designs, and delivering the best performance standards.

Aluminium windows made in Britain logo

Sheerline is produced and manufactured in the UK using locally sourced aluminium instead of imported aluminium which helps reduce the carbon footprint and makes Sheerline one of the most eco-friendly aluminium systems out there!

Classic Windows

Transform your home with Sheerline Aluminium Classic Windows.

 Our Classic system is designed from the ground up to make your property look better and feel warmer, more secure and more stylish than ever before.

With innovative Thermlock® multi-chamber thermal break technology, slim frames for maximum light and a range of colours to express your home’s character, make a smart investment in Sheerline for your home today.

Sheerline's Classic system takes window security to the next level! Our innovative construction method and high-security multipoint locking creates super-strong frames to keep you and your home safe. Plus, unique hinge protectors and a beadless option for extra protection.

And that's not all - all of our aluminium windows, as standard, come with PAS24:2016 enhanced security accreditation for extra peace of mind. Upgrade to the laminate glass option for Secured by Design accreditation, the official UK Police initiative that helps 'design out crime'. Get stylish, secure windows with Sheerline!

1.5 U-value W/(m²K) Double glazed


For the look of your dreams, we offer eight matt colours, a high gloss white, and three metallic effects - the perfect combination of durability and style.

Mix and match to find the perfect option for both the inside and outside of your property!

The range of colours and finishes can be viewed on page 15 of the Sheerline Classic Window Brochure, which is below.

Prestige Windows

Experience the ultimate in energy-saving window solutions with Prestige Windows! Our 72/80mm system provides the biggest openings and widest range of styles, plus a deep Eurogroove for maximum hardware selection.

Enjoy superior thermal efficiency like never before!

Are you looking for the perfect aluminium windows for your home?

Look no further! Our Prestige windows have been carefully designed to combine sleek aesthetics and the latest technology so you can have the most secure, thermally efficient and stylish windows on the market.

You won't have to compromise on style, either - the Prestige range comes in a huge selection of colours to suit any home.

Invest in your property with the Prestige window and door system and experience the difference in comfort, security, and style.

1.3 U-value W/(m²K) Double glazed, 0.9 U-value Triple glazed


Create your dream home with our Prestige range of windows. Choose from eight powder coated matt colours, plus a sleek high gloss white.

For an extra special touch, pick a different colour for the inside. And for a truly luxurious finish - take your pick from three Metallic Effect options. The possibilities are endless!

The range of colours and finishes can be viewed on page 10 of the Sheerline Prestige Window Brochure, which is below.

Experience the next generation of secure, minimalist windows with Ultra Slim Beadless System

Introducing Sheerline - the ultimate protection against the worst of the British weather! Our innovative Thermlock® multi-chamber thermal design keeps you and your property warm and snug, with insulating chambers acting as a thermal break and high performance glazing to provide superior thermal performance to traditional polyamide thermal breaks. And with built-in weather sealing in Sheerline's cills, any draughts or rain will be kept firmly on the outside!


Sheerline Beaded Classic Window Brochure

Sheerline Classic Window Brochure

Sheerline Prestige Window Brochure

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Aspen Home Improvements Aluminium Windows

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